Next up in our series of articles on HYROX workout tips and strategies to improve each HYROX station, is station 6, the 200m Farmers Carry.

Below is a video from HYROX workout master trainer Jade Skillen summarising the Farmers Carry and some technique/training tips:

Video credit [Jade Skillen]

HYROX Farmer’s Carry Requirements (weights and distance)

The Farmer’s Carry requirements, by category, in HYROX are:

Women: 200m with 2 x 16kg kettlebells

Women Pro: 200m with 2 x 24kg kettlebells

Men: 200m with 2 x 24kg kettlebells

Men Pro: 200m with 2 x 32kg kettlebells

Mixed Doubles: 200m with 2 x 24kg kettlebells

Women Doubles: 200m with 2 x 16kg kettlebells

Men Doubles: 200m with 2 x 24kg kettlebells

Women Relay: 200m with 2 x 16kg kettlebells

Men Relay: 200m with 2 x 24kg kettlebells

Mixed Relay: Female members 200m with 2 x 16kg kettlebells / Male members 200m with 2 x 24kg kettlebells

Farmer’s Carry rules (according to HYROX rulebook)

The Farmers Carry begins and ends with the removal/return of the kettlebells from the marked area next to the start/finish line.

  • The athlete has to carry both kettlebells at all times while they move.
  • Kettlebells must be carried with both arms extended
  • Putting down the kettlebells to rest is allowed.
  • The station is completed, once the athlete carries the kettlebells across
    the finish line and returns them to the marked area.
  • Distance 200 m

HYROX workout Section 1: Understanding the Farmers Carry in HYROX

The Farmers Carry Dynamics: The Farmers Carry is a staple strongman exercise and a challenging component of the HYROX competition. Participants carry two kettlebells for 200m. Understanding the nuances of the Farmers Carry is essential for optimizing performance in this event.

Full-Body Engagement: The Farmers Carry engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Participants need to lift the weights from the ground using a hip-dominant motion and then maintain a stable and upright posture while walking. This exercise targets the grip, forearms, core, hips, and lower body.

Challenges of Stability and Balance: Maintaining stability and balance is a significant challenge in the Farmers Carry. The weights on each side create a lateral load, requiring participants to counterbalance and prevent excessive leaning. Efficient weight distribution and controlled strides are crucial for success.

Integration into HYROX Sequences: In the context of HYROX, the Farmers Carry is often integrated into a series of exercises. Participants may transition from activities like rowing or SkiErg to the Farmers Carry. Mastery of this event involves not only lifting and walking with heavy weights but also adapting quickly to the demands of transitions.

Stay tuned for HYROX workout Section 2, where we delve into Techniques to Optimize Farmers Carry Performance!

HYROX workout Section 2:

Techniques to Optimize Farmers Carry Performance

1. Proper Lifting Technique:

  • Hip Hinge Movement: Initiate the Farmers Carry with a proper hip hinge movement. Bend at the hips while keeping your back straight to lift the weights off the ground. Engage your core to maintain stability during the lift.
  • Grip Placement: Ensure a secure grip on the handles. The weights should hang directly beneath your hands. Experiment with grip width to find the most comfortable and effective position for your body.

2. Posture and Stability:

  • Upright Posture: Maintain an upright posture while walking. Resist the temptation to lean forward or backward. This not only optimizes stability but also reduces strain on your lower back.
  • Engage Core Muscles: Keep your core muscles engaged throughout the carry. A strong core provides additional support for your spine and enhances overall stability.

3. Controlled Strides and Cadence:

  • Short, Controlled Strides: Take short, controlled strides while walking. This promotes stability and allows for better weight distribution. Avoid overstriding, as it can compromise balance.
  • Consistent Cadence: Maintain a consistent walking cadence. A rhythmic pace helps with balance and prevents unnecessary fatigue. Focus on breathing steadily to support your overall endurance.

4. Grip Strength Training:

  • Specific Grip Exercises: Incorporate specific grip strength exercises into your training routine. This could include exercises like farmer’s walks with lighter weights, grip squeezes, or using grip-strengthening tools.
  • Gradual Weight Progression: Gradually increase the weight in your grip training sessions to build strength progressively. Strong grip muscles are crucial for securely holding the weights during the Farmers Carry.

5. Mental Resilience Strategies:

  • Visualize Success: Practice visualization techniques before your Farmers Carry training sessions. Visualize yourself lifting the weights with ease, walking steadily, and successfully completing the designated distance. Positive mental imagery contributes to performance.
  • Focus on Each Step: During the Farmers Carry, focus on each step rather than getting overwhelmed by the total distance. Break down the carry into smaller segments, making it more manageable mentally.

6. Terrain Adaptation:

  • Practice on Varied Surfaces: Train on different surfaces to adapt to the varied terrains you might encounter in a HYROX event. This could include grass, gravel, or gym flooring. Familiarity with different surfaces enhances adaptability.
  • Footwear Consideration: Choose appropriate footwear for stability. Shoes with good grip and ankle support can make a significant difference, especially if you encounter uneven or slippery surfaces.

7. Integration into Circuit Training:

  • Include in Circuits: Incorporate the Farmers Carry into circuit-style workouts. This simulates the demands of HYROX, where the carry is part of a sequence of exercises. Practice transitioning seamlessly from other elements to the Farmers Carry.
  • Time-Based Challenges: Implement time-based challenges during training. Set a specific time for the Farmers Carry and focus on maintaining a steady pace. This prepares you for the timed nature of HYROX.

In summary, optimizing Farmers Carry performance involves mastering the lifting technique, maintaining posture and stability, controlling strides and cadence, strengthening grip muscles, developing mental resilience, adapting to different terrains, and integrating the carry into circuit-style training. These techniques collectively contribute to a more efficient and successful Farmers Carry, particularly in the context of a multi-event competition like HYROX.

Stay tuned for HYROX workout Section 3, where we explore Targeted Training to Enhance Farmers Carry Performance!

HYROX workout Section 3:

Targeted Training to Enhance Farmers Carry Performance

1. Strength Training for Key Muscle Groups:

  • Deadlifts: Incorporate deadlifts into your strength training routine. Deadlifts target the posterior chain, including the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. This is crucial for the initial lifting phase of the Farmers Carry.
  • Core Workouts: Strengthen your core with exercises like planks, Russian twists, and wood chops. A strong core enhances stability during the carry and contributes to overall posture control.

2. Grip Strength Enhancement:

  • Captains of Crush Grippers: Use grip-strengthening tools like Captains of Crush grippers to specifically target hand and forearm strength. These tools offer graduated levels of resistance, allowing for progressive training.
  • Plate Pinches: Practice plate pinches (picture shown below) where you grip and hold weight plates using your fingertips. This exercise mimics the demands of the Farmers Carry and builds fingertip and pinch grip strength.
Plate Pinches

3. Farmers Carry Specific Training:

  • Farmers Carry Walks: Include Farmers Carry walks in your HYROX workout training sessions. Gradually increase the weight of the implements as your strength improves. Focus on maintaining good form and posture throughout the walk.
  • Timed Carries: Perform Farmers Carries for timed intervals. This type of training helps build endurance specific to the demands of the HYROX Farmers Carry segment.

4. Dynamic Stability Exercises:

  • Walking Lunges: Integrate walking lunges into your Hyrox workout. This exercise not only targets the muscles involved in the Farmers Carry but also enhances dynamic stability.
  • Single-Leg Exercises: Include single-leg exercises such as single-leg deadlifts or Bulgarian split squats. These exercises challenge balance and stability, which are vital during the Farmers Carry.

5. Cardiovascular Endurance Workouts:

  • Interval Training: Incorporate interval training into your cardiovascular HYROX workout. Alternating between periods of high-intensity effort and active recovery mirrors the demands of the Farmers Carry in a HYROX event.
  • Loaded Carries: Include loaded carries, such as sandbag carries or weighted vest walks, in your cardio routine. These exercises engage similar muscle groups and contribute to cardiovascular endurance.

6. Simulation of Transition Sequences:

  • Transition Drills: Practice transitioning from other exercises to the Farmers Carry. For example, perform a set of deadlifts or squats before immediately moving into the Farmers Carry. This prepares your body for the dynamic transitions in HYROX.
  • Mixed Element Circuits: Design circuits that combine the Farmers Carry with other elements. This type of training conditions your body to seamlessly shift from one exercise to another, mimicking the structure of HYROX.

7. Recovery Strategies:

  • Mobility Exercises: Include mobility exercises in your post-training routine. Target areas such as the hips, lower back, and shoulders to enhance recovery and flexibility.
  • Active Recovery Days: Designate active recovery days where you engage in lighter activities like walking or swimming. This promotes circulation, aids recovery, and prevents burnout.

By incorporating targeted training in strength, grip enhancement, Farmers Carry-specific exercises, dynamic stability, cardiovascular endurance, simulation of transitions, and recovery practices, you enhance your overall Farmers Carry performance. These strategies not only build physical capabilities but also prepare you for the specific challenges presented by the Farmers Carry event in HYROX.

Stay tuned for HYROX workout Section 4, where we delve into Fine-Tuning Your Farmers Carry Technique!

HYROX workout Section 4:

Fine-Tuning Your Farmers Carry Technique

1. Weight Distribution Adjustment:

  • Equal Weight Distribution: Ensure an equal distribution of weight in each hand. The weights should hang symmetrically on either side. Adjust your grip or the positioning of the weights if you notice an imbalance during your practice.
  • Comfortable Hand Placement: Experiment with hand placement on the handles. Find a position that allows for a secure grip without causing discomfort or strain. Consistent hand placement contributes to a more controlled carry.

2. Breathing Techniques:

  • Controlled Breathing: Establish a controlled breathing rhythm. Focus on deep breaths to oxygenate your muscles adequately. Coordinate your breaths with your steps to maintain a consistent pace.
  • Breath Control during Lift: Pay attention to your breathing during the initial lift. Inhale deeply before lifting, and exhale during the exertion phase. This controlled breath supports your core and enhances stability.

3. Stride Length Adjustment:

  • Adapt to Terrain: Adjust your stride length based on the terrain. On even surfaces, you might take slightly longer strides. On uneven or challenging terrain, shorter, controlled strides help maintain stability.
  • Avoid Overstriding: Be cautious of overstriding, especially when fatigued. Overstriding can compromise balance and increase the risk of injury. Focus on maintaining a stride length that allows for efficient weight distribution.

4. Head and Neck Positioning:

  • Neutral Neck Position: Keep your neck in a neutral position. Avoid looking down or craning your neck forward, as this can impact your overall posture. Maintain a gaze straight ahead to support an upright and stable posture.
  • Mindful Head Movement: Be mindful of any unnecessary head movement. Excessive head movement can contribute to instability. Focus on keeping your head steady, and aligned with your spine.

5. Arm Swing and Relaxation:

  • Natural Arm Swing: Allow your arms to swing naturally as you walk. The swinging motion aids in balance and rhythm. Avoid excessive tension in your arms; they should move freely and loosely.
  • Relaxation during Carries: Practice relaxation techniques during your Farmers Carry. Consciously release tension in your shoulders and arms while maintaining a secure grip. Relaxing unnecessary muscles conserves energy for the duration of the carry.

6. Mental Focus Techniques:

  • Mind-Body Connection: Develop a strong mind-body connection during Farmers Carries. Stay present in each step and maintain awareness of your body’s position. This mental focus contributes to efficient and controlled movement.
  • Positive Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to stay mentally resilient. Remind yourself of your training, strength, and capability. Positive self-talk can be particularly impactful during challenging segments of the Farmers Carry.

7. Transition Practice:

  • Seamless Transitions: Practice transitioning into the Farmers Carry from other exercises. Develop a smooth routine that allows for a quick and efficient shift from one element to another. Seamless transitions save valuable time in HYROX.
  • Mindful Shift of Focus: Train your mind to shift focus from the previous exercise to the Farmers Carry. This mental agility is crucial during HYROX, where rapid transitions are a key aspect of the competition.

In summary, fine-tuning your Farmers Carry technique involves adjusting weight distribution, implementing controlled breathing, adapting stride length, maintaining optimal head and neck positioning, allowing for a natural arm swing, cultivating mental focus, and practicing seamless transitions. These refinements collectively contribute to a more efficient and successful Farmers Carry.

Stay tuned for HYROX workout Section 5, where we conclude with Additional Tips for Farmers Carry Success!

HYROX workout Section 5:

Additional Tips for Farmers Carry Success

1. Implementing Visualization Techniques:

  • Visualization for Success: Incorporate visualization techniques into your training. Before Farmers Carry sessions, visualize yourself lifting the weights with ease, walking steadily, and successfully completing the designated distance. Positive visualization enhances mental preparedness.
  • Focus on Technique: During visualization, pay specific attention to your technique. Imagine the correct hand placement, controlled breathing, and efficient strides. Visualization contributes to muscle memory and reinforces good habits.

2. Progressive Loading Strategies:

  • Gradual Weight Progression: Progressively increase the weight of the Farmers Carry implements over time. Gradual loading allows your muscles to adapt to increasing resistance, building strength without risking injury.
  • Variable Load Training: If possible, practice with implements of different weights. This variability prepares you for potential surprises in competition scenarios where the Farmers Carry load may vary.

3. Mental Resilience Building:

  • Challenge Your Limits: Occasionally challenge yourself with longer distances or time intervals during training. Pushing your limits in controlled settings builds mental resilience, preparing you for the challenges of HYROX.
  • Mind Over Matter: Develop a mindset of resilience. When fatigue sets in during the carry, remind yourself that you are capable of pushing through. The mental aspect of the Farmers Carry is as crucial as the physical.

4. Recovery Strategies:

  • Post-Carry Stretching: Include stretching exercises specific to the muscles engaged in the Farmers Carry. Focus on the hip flexors, lower back, and shoulders. This aids in recovery and flexibility.
  • Active Recovery Days: Designate active recovery days where you engage in light activities like yoga or swimming. Active recovery supports muscle recovery and reduces the risk of overtraining.

5. Equipment Familiarity:

  • Regular Equipment Checks: If you have access to personal implements for Farmers Carries, conduct regular equipment checks. Ensure that handles are secure, and weights are properly fastened. Familiarity with your equipment minimizes surprises during workouts.
  • Adaptation to Different Implements: If possible, practice with different Farmers Carry implements. Familiarity with varied shapes and weights prepares you for potential variations in competition equipment.

6. Simulating HYROX Sequences:

  • Integrated Exercise Circuits: Design integrated exercise circuits that include the Farmers Carry. This simulates the demands of HYROX, where the carry is part of a sequence of exercises. Practice transitioning seamlessly from other elements to the Farmers Carry.
  • Timed Challenges: Implement time-based challenges during training. Set specific timeframes for the Farmers Carry, focusing on maintaining a steady pace. This prepares you for the timed nature of HYROX.

In conclusion, success in the Farmers Carry event involves the implementation of visualization techniques, progressive loading strategies, mental resilience building, recovery practices, equipment familiarity, and simulating HYROX sequences. By integrating these additional tips into your overall Farmers Carry training strategy, you enhance your chances of performing at your best during the competition.

Congratulations on completing this comprehensive HYROX workout guide to mastering the Farmers Carry in the context of HYROX! Wishing you success in your fitness journey.

If you would like to read more of our articles on HYROX, please click the links below:

The Ultimate HYROX workout guide for wall balls
Mastering the SkiErg in HYROX: A Comprehensive Guide with proven techniques and tips
HYROX Workout: A challenge you’ll love to suit your every need